What will CultGame's gameplay be like?

Welcome, welcome!

I noticed that we have quite a few new followers since Warsim gave us a shout out, and I’m really excited to have you all be a part CultGame. My goal here is to create an awesome indie game that you can lose yourself in, and that you can help to shape with your own ideas and suggestions.

For those new here, I usually have a monthly video out about what’s new in CultGame and what I’ve been working on. This month though, I decided on creating a more entertaining comedy video that still gives you a good idea on what the gameplay of CultGame is going to be like. I do hope you find it interesting! A good way to describe CultGame would be Warsim + Pandemic + Liberal Crime Squad.

What do you think, though? Have any suggestions for what should be in the game or how things should work? Please comment below and I’ll consider what you say for development!

See you in next month’s video!


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(1 edit) (+1)

I am so excited for this to get released!


Same here! Just have to code it up lol


It would be interesting if you can influence how the cult is viewed. A war loving cult gets less followers, joining out of fear (They don't wanna get stabbed 28 times),but more fanatical devotees, meanwhile a peaceful cult gets viewed nicely by people (basically just being a religion), so not a lot of devotees but followers and passive donations without a opinion hit. Also if there is a doomsday cult, doin rituals and summoning weird murder blobs, would be kinda cool. (Idk if this is too much random stuff or what, it's pretty great that this style of game exist, and i am excited for whatever is added.)



I can confirm that your suggestion will exist in game. There’s gonna be an opinion system where your actions as a cult can be looked upon positively or negatively by certain groups of people and characters.

A doomsday cult is a good idea! I’ll have to put that as an endgame in the roadmap. I didn’t get into it during the video, but rituals and summoning will eventually be a part of the game too 😁

Thanks so much for your interest! I’m happy to hear from you.